2010 Kerberos Conference - Hotel information
We have negotiated at rate of $194 per night on October 25th and 26th evenings, for a block of rooms at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge, overlooking the Charles River and the MIT Campus.
Group-Rate reservations must be made by October 5th, 2010.
This rate includes:
- Complimentary Guest Room Internet Complimentary
- Full American Breakfast Buffet
Discounted Parking at the rate of $12.00 per day/night (normally $38.00)
You can make room reservations by calling their toll-free Reservations number, (800) 233-1234 and referring to the "MIT Kerberos Consortium Room Block".
The "Tech Shuttle" departs every 15 minutes from in front of Building W92, diagonally across Amesbury Street from the hotel. It is two stops (about .75 mile) to the Stratton Student Center where you will need to get off. The conference will be held at Morss Hall (also known as the Walker memorial or Building 50).
There are also a number of alternative hotels near MIT Campus.